Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Fallacy of Gold Backed Money…

“It’s not WHAT backs our money, it’s WHO controls the QUANTITY!”

- Bill Still

Anytime one looks to make adjustments to our monetary system they will be well served to make certain that they are careful what they ask for. What and who backs our money is an age old battle, the discontent created by gold backed money is exactly what led to one of the most famous speeches of all time where William Jennings Bryan famously said,You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.”

 People who support gold backed money do so mostly for the right reason – to keep the QUANTITY OF MONEY UNDER CONTROL. There are, however, MANY misrepresentations, half-truths, and self-serving reasons to promote gold either as a backing for money or as a direct form of money itself.

People who support backing our money with DEBT do so for only one reason - GREED. When money is backed by debt, interest and debt repayment sweeps it back into the banks and thus causes the banks to seek ever increasing quantities of DEBT and PROFITS. Those closest to the creation of credit dollars profit , while those furthest from it pay for it. Let’s clear out the fog of history and look at our money system objectively. To view money for what it is, we need to speak in a common language so that we all understand the features of money:

Assay – Metallurgy. To analyze (an ore, alloy, etc.) in order to determine the quantity of gold, silver, or other metal in it.

Credit Dollars – Are dollars that come into existence via a loan and thus they bear interest. ALL dollars in our current system, except coins, come into existence in this manner. When paid back, credit dollars go back out of existence. In a system that is almost entirely credit dollars, such as ours, new debt must constantly be issued to replace old debt and it must expand by an amount equal to the interest or otherwise deflation will occur. This is why we experienced a bout of deflation last year as credit creation dropped, and it is why politicians who are funded with banker dollars stand in front of teleprompters stating, “We must get credit flowing again!”

Debt Repayment – There are only two ways to pay back debt. Pay it back per agreement, with interest, or default.

Debt Saturation – A condition whereby once a person, business, or a government has pulled forward in time all future income (beyond reasonable lending limits), then additional debt cannot be forced into that entity without producing a future debt default.

Fiat – Means “by decree,” usually by the King or by the Government in power. Once our government puts a money into circulation, it becomes “by decree” and is thus “fiat.”It does not matter what BACKS the money.

Fractional Reserves – This is the ability to lend more credit dollars than a bank has. This concept first began with the gold smiths who used to hold other people’s gold in their safes. For this service, they would charge a small fee and issue gold receipts. They figured out that as long as not everyone cashed in their receipts at once, that they could write more receipts than they actually possessed in gold. This was the birth of the Fractional Reserve concept, a concept that many still believe is simply FRAUD (that’s because it is, UNLESS everyone agrees that it’s okay to do and there are limits placed upon it – if you use U.S. Dollars, you’ve agreed).
Fractional ability creates LEVERAGE. Limits in America began at reasonable limits but have increased time and again on behalf of the bankers who have done away with rules regulating and limiting this ability. The effective fractional ability in America is now INFINITE as many of the large banks possess far more debts than assets.

Interest Bearing / Debt Backed – The act of borrowing money means that one person is giving up the use of their money to another for a specified time, and in return for the time they are without its use, and for the risk of possibly not being paid back, the person lending money charges interest. Under our present money system, all money (except coin) is brought into being as debt. At the Federal level, our nation takes in taxes. The amount they spend above that is our current deficit. Our deficit is borrowed from via the Treasury primarily from commercial banks. In this way, we all pay interest to private banks for the use of our nation’s money.

Money – Is simply an agreed upon method to exchange the fruits of one’s labor for another’s. That is the essence of money, everything else you read is simply an over complication of money’s purpose.

Monetary Inflation/ Deflation – An increase/ decrease in the overall supply of money,credit, and other instruments that leverage them.

Price Inflation/ Deflation – An increase/ decrease in the overall PRICE of the goods or services under examination.

Real Dollars – Are dollars that came into existence without the backing of DEBT.

Many proponents of gold backed money argue that it is “Constitutional money,” or “honest money. Neither is the case, let’s start by reading what the Constitution actually says, not what other people say it says. There are really only two sections that deal with money, they are both a part of Article I (italics are mine, otherwise it is all in context):

Section 8: The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

       - To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;
       - To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;
       - To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies    throughout the United States;
       - To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
       - To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;

So, Congress is given the power to coin money and to “regulate the value thereof.” Note the terminology “current Coin of the United States.” “Coin” is a term used to mean money when capitalized as it is here. Would this not indicate that the “Coin” or money of the U.S. Was envisioned to possibly change? No mention of gold or silver here. For that we must examine the only place gold and silver are mentioned:

Section 10: No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

Section 10 deals with STATES. “No state shall… coin Money; emit bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts…” This is saying that states shall not make their own money, issue their own credit, and when they pay back the Federal Government, they must pay them back in gold or silver.

Bill Still, an expert on the history of money, has this to say about these two sections:

Congress is given the responsibility to "To coin Money, regulate the value thereof...." in Article 1, Section 8. Regulating the value of our money is one of the most important responsibilities of Congress. The mere fact that they had to "regulate the value thereof" implies without question paper money not backed by gold or silver.

The reason states were forbidden to pay in anything but gold -- something which was never enforced, incidentally -- was that during the previous generation, some states had been responsible, like Pennsylvania, and printed just enough, while some states had been irresponsible and printed too much. It was an anarchic situation. Interstate commerce would have been impossible without this clause.

Bullionists” respond that the 1792 Coinage Act specifies that a dollar coin shall contain so many grams of gold. They misconstrue this to be a mandate for gold backing of paper dollars. You can read it for yourself, the original is now available online. That is hardly the meaning.”

Thus, the people who support gold as a basis for our money have pulled the gold and silver coin phrase out of context. It is CONGRESS, elected by the people, WHO HAS THE POWER TO COIN MONEY. Not the bankers, not the states. Today it is the bankers who actually Coin most of our money and it is backed by debt.

An objective review of history will find that NOTHING has ultimately worked to back money and to keep the quantity of money under control. Everything has ultimately failed for one reason or another. That’s because “It’s not WHAT backs the money” that’s important, “it’s WHO controls the QUANTITY!”

If gold backed money actually worked, then those money systems would still be around today, but they are not. During the 1920s gold backed our money yet one of the largest credit bubbles in history was formed and ultimately popped regardless of the existence of a gold backed money system – the same has been repeated throughout history.

There are several reasons that the quantity of money gets out of control regardless of commodity backing:
    1. Bankers have been the ones to always get their hands on control of the gold and the availability of any paper that is backed by gold. They have time and again wielded the power to hurt the economy as blackmail against the people and politicians to get their way.

    2. Politicians can simply change the ratio of paper to gold or any other commodity. From the time of the Gold Standard Act of 1900 until President Nixon removed the dollar completely from gold, the ratio of paper to gold was changed many times. Here’s a Wikipedia entry describing what happened just during the 20th century:

The Gold Standard Act of 1900 abandoned the bimetallic standard and defined the dollar as 23.22 grains (1.505 g) of gold, equivalent to setting the price of 1 troy ounce of gold at $20.67. Silver coins continued to be issued for circulation until 1964, when all silver was removed from dimes and quarters, and the half dollar was reduced to 40% silver. Silver half dollars were last issued for circulation in 1969.

Gold coins were confiscated in 1933 and the gold standard was changed to13.71 grains (0.888 g), equivalent to setting the price of 1 troy ounce of gold at $35. This standard persisted until 1968. Between 1968 and 1975, a variety of pegs to gold were put in place. The price was at $42.22 per ounce before August 15, 1975 saw the U.S. dollar freely float on currency markets.

Why do you suppose the ratio was changed? The ratio of gold/ silver was always changed under pressure to increase the quantity of money.

    3. Storing and controlling the actual gold is quite a feat and is subject to manipulation. First a country who wishes to back their currency must possess gold. According to Bill Still, “At the end of World War II, the United States had over 700 million ounces of gold in Fort Knox, then thought to be about 70% of the world’s supply. By 1959 gold reserves at Fort Knox had dwindled to less than 558 million ounces, and by 1971, 291 million ounces.” Recently the IMF (International Monetary Fund – the world’s central bankers) became the world’s third largest holder of gold:

How did the IMF get that much gold? By lending countries debt backed money and accepting gold in repayment! If that’s not a great scam, I don’t know what is. I’ll gladly run off some credit notes on my printer to anyone willing to exchange their gold to me! Gold is measured in Troy ounces. There are 12 Troy ounces per pound, or 24,000 Troy ounces to a ton. If that chart is correct, the U.S. now only possesses 195,204,000 ounces of gold, that’s quite a drop from the 700 million claimed in the 1940s. And the IMF now has 103 million ounces. What was their productive effort to obtain that?

Even today without gold backing our money, it is being manipulated by BOTH governments and bankers. This is something that must stop, it must be allowed to trade freely! Too bad it’s simply not. In fact, GATA (the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee) is suing the Federal Reserve Board concerning international gold “swaps.” Here is more from Zero Hedge on the manipulation that is currently occurring with gold. And here is still more on what they call the smoking gun showing that the Fed is controlling gold.

The Fed claims that its gold swap records involve "trade secrets" exempt from disclosure under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act. While GATA has produced many U.S. government records showing both open and surreptitious intervention in the gold market in recent decades (see, Fed Governor Warsh's letter is confirmation that the government is surreptitiously operating in the gold market in the present as well. That intervention constitutes a huge deception of financial markets as well as expropriation of  precious metals miners and investors particularly. This deception and expropriation are what GATA was established in 1999 to expose and oppose.”

Who owns the gold located at Ft. Knox? Does it belong to the bankers? No? How about the“Fed?” No? Does it not belong to the collective people of the United States? If that’s the case, why has it not been assayed and records made public? I’ll bet you can guess.

To learn more about the history of what backs our money, I highly recommend that you, your family, and your friends watch Bill Still’s movie, The Secret of Oz.

When it comes to keeping the quantity of money under control the ideal system would be one that allows the QUANTITY of money to increase and to decrease in accordance with the reality of the economy, the size of the population, and a multitude of other factors. Such a currency would withstand the shock of war or natural disaster and neither produce extremes in PRICE inflation or PRICE deflation.

There is simply no way to remove humans completely from the equation. This is the illusion of commodity backed money – it is just that, an illusion – it has never worked to actually keep the quantity of money under control, nor has any system ultimately passed the test of time.

Even if we had perfect economic models (not even close) and a computer controlled the quantity,the computer would have to be programmed by a human!

Here’s the simple truth… What ultimately backs a country’s money is the RULE OF LAW, and what ultimately backs the rule of law is a nation’s PEOPLE. Not its bankers, and rarely its politicians.

The very best that one can achieve when it comes to human nature and keeping GREED in check is to have checks and balances. Citizens of America, YOU are the ultimate check and balance when you have transparency, and YOU are needed by your country at this critical
juncture of our history!

Freedom's Vision was designed to obtain the maximum benefit with the minimum of working parts. The strategy is to get the maximum number of people behind it knowing that each change will create a special interest group who is against it. There is much else that needs to be reformed, like the way we collect taxes, but those issues will be easier to manage once monetary and political reforms are enacted. We must work to limit how much we attempt to chew on the first bite.

The benefits of Freedom’s Vision are many:

    1. Avoid the disaster about to unfold – regardless of how we get there, by inflation or deflation, the math of debt that underlies our currency does not work. This would break that math and preempt the negative events that are going to follow should we fail to take action.

    2. No more debt backed money for our Federal Government. Lower taxes and more productivity result.
    3. Direct and immediate relief for people in debt, accomplished in a way that’s fair to everyone including those who are not in debt and without creating excessive price inflation, deflation or a giant “moral hazard.”

    4. Direct and immediate compensation for those who are savers and have been damaged by past practice. 
5. Relief for States, almost all of whom are in deep debt trouble.
6. Cleanses the banks and financial businesses of unserviceable debts and derivatives and would ensure that they stay that way. All banks would survive the transition, immediately benefiting from improvements in our citizen’s balance sheets. The same process would be used to cleanse other financial like businesses.
7. Businesses, both large and small, would immediately benefit from our citizens and the banks improved balance sheets.
8. Unfunded liabilities would immediately get better with zero percent price inflation.
9. Limits on special interests would separate their money from politics lessening the pressure to continually increase the quantity of money. This allows long term decision making. Special interests associated with the banking, oil, defense, food, insurance, and other industries would no longer have their huge pull. Thus politicians would not have to focus on spending our resources on special interests, but instead on the interests of the people. Budget pressures would decrease as a result.
10. States would exercise more control over their own destiny. Lower taxes on the state level, more productivity. Low cost money would become available to repair and upgrade current infrastructure and to build the infrastructure of tomorrow’s commerce.
11. The powers possessed by the central banks would be greatly diminished freeing our country and others from their methods of control via debt, now even issued worldwide by the IMF. Countries would no longer be working to pay central banks interest. Instead they would work to develop their own rule of law, their productive labors could be used to improve their own infrastructure, to feed and cloth themselves, and to build a future for themselves. In other words, they need to be taught how to fish, not simply given a fish and asked to pay it back forever and ever.
12. No price inflation eroding away future savings. People who take on reasonable debt could once again make progress towards paying it off.
13. Massively supports education, underpinning progress so that we may continue to lead the world in innovation and the production of meaningful technologies.
14. Provides a national mission - focused on creating the energy and infrastructure of the future. REAL and meaningful economic growth would ensue and massive new employment would result

Your specific input is needed to improve the outline and to provide specific legal language. You are needed to support Freedom's Vision, we need your participation in the SWARM, and we need volunteers to organize and execute the Swarm. We are making progress on a new website, and we are organizing a Political Action Committee (PAC) now. Bill Still and I are both officers of the committee, we have a volunteer to act as the PAC Treasurer, but we need a CPA to volunteer to back us up in regards to accounting.

It is our intention to provide overall input and strategy and to even travel with the Swarm. We need someone who is a leader and an organizer who can keep the swarm amicably focused on the target. We need leaders and organizers in each state. We also need all the members that comprise any successful organization – everyone’s talents are needed, please email us at to let us know your strengths, what state you reside in, and how you can help (we will be creating a data base on the website for this but need a Secretary as well). This organization will focus on only two objectives initially; one is economic reform and the second is political reform as outlined in Freedom's Vision.

Our future America will thank you for your support, and so do we!

Nathan A. Martin

Bill Still

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Communecology 1

Special nature of human community

Definitions of community as "organisms inhabiting a common environment and interacting with one another," while scientifically accurate, do not convey the richness, diversity and complexity of human communities.

Their classification, likewise is almost never precise. Untidy as it may be, community is vital for humans. M. Scott Peck expresses this in the following way:

"There can be no vulnerability without risk; there can be no community without vulnerability; there can be no peace, and ultimately no life, without community."


In ecology, a community is an assemblage of populations of different species, interacting with one another.

Species interact in three ways: competition, predation and mutualism. Competition typically results in a double negative—that is both species lose in the interaction. Predation is a win/lose situation with one species winning. Mutualism, on the other hand, involves both species cooperating in some way, with both winning.

Social philosophy


Communitarianism as a group of related but distinct philosophies... began in the late 20th century... advocating phenomena such as civil society. Not necessarily hostile to social liberalism, communitarianism rather has a different emphasis, shifting the focus of interest toward communities and societies and away from the individual. The question of priority, whether for the individual or community, must be determined in dealing with pressing ethical questions about a variety of social issues, such as health care, birth control, multiculturalism, and hate speech.

Civil society

Civil society is the arena outside of the family, the state, and the market where people associate to advance common interests. It is sometimes considered to include the family and the private sphere and then referred to as the "third sector" of society, distinct from government and business.'s 21st Century Lexicon defines civil society as 1) the aggregate of non-governmental organizations and institutions that manifest interests and will of citizens or 2) individuals and organizations in a society which are independent of the government. Sometimes the term is used in the more general sense of "the elements such as freedom of speech, an independent judiciary, etc, that make up a democratic society" (Collins English Dictionary).
The term entered public discourse in the United States in the 1990s. However its tradition is much richer and longstanding.

Communitarian political philosophy

Social capital

Beginning in the late 20th century, many authors began to observe a deterioration in the social networks of the United States. In the book Bowling Alone, Robert Putnam observed that nearly every form of civic organization has undergone drops in membership exemplified by the fact that, while more people are bowling than in the 1950s, there are fewer bowling leagues. In recent years, Putnam has revised this argument.

This results in a decline in "social capital", described by Putnam as "the collective value of all 'social networks' and the inclinations that arise from these networks to do things for each other". According to Putnam and his followers, social capital is a key component to building and maintaining democracy.
Communitarians seek to bolster social capital and the institutions of civil society. The Responsive Communitarian Platform described it thus:
"Many social goals ... require partnership between public and private groups. Though government should not seek to replace local communities, it may need to empower them by strategies of support, including revenue-sharing and technical assistance. There is a great need for study and experimentation with creative use of the structures of civil society, and public-private cooperation, especially where the delivery of health, educational and social services are concerned."

Positive rights

Central to the communitarian philosophy is the concept of positive rights, which are rights or guarantees to certain things. These may include state subsidized education, state subsidized housing, a safe and clean environment, universal health care, and even the right to a job with the concomitant obligation of the government or individuals to provide one. To this end, communitarians generally support social security programs, public works programs, and laws limiting such things as pollution.

A common objection is that by providing such rights, communitarians violate the negative rights of the citizens; rights to not have something done for you. For example, taxation to pay for such programs as described above dispossesses individuals of property. Proponents of positive rights, by attributing the protection of negative rights to the society rather than the government, respond that individuals would not have any rights in the absence of societies—a central tenet of communitarianism—and thus have a personal responsibility to give something back to it. Some have viewed this as a negation of natural rights. However, what is or is not a "natural right" is a source of contention in modern politics, as well as historically; for example, whether or not universal health care, private property or protection from polluters can be considered a birthright.
Alternatively, some agree that negative rights may be violated by a government action, but argue that it is justifiable if the positive rights protected outweigh the negative rights lost. In the same vein, supporters of positive rights further argue that negative rights are irrelevant in their absence. Moreover, some communitarians "experience this less as a case of being used for others' ends and more as a way of contributing to the purposes of a community I regard as my own".

Comparison to other political philosophies

Communitarianism cannot be classified as being wholly left or right, and many theorists claim to represent a sort of radical center.

Progressives in the American sense or social democrats in the European sense generally share the communitarian position on issues relating to the economy, such as the need for environmental protection and public education, but not on cultural issues.

Communitarians and conservatives generally agree on cultural issues, such as support for character education and faith-based programs, but communitarians do not support capitalism generally embraced by American conservatives.

Communecology 2

Community development

Community development, often linked with Community Work or Community Planning, is often formally conducted by non-government organisations (NGOs), universities or government agencies to progress the social well-being of local, regional and, sometimes, national communities. Less formal efforts, called community building or community organizing, seek to empower individuals and groups of people by providing them with the skills they need to effect change in their own communities.

These skills often assist in building political power through the formation of large social groups working for a common agenda. Community development practitioners must understand both how to work with individuals and how to affect communities' positions within the context of larger social institutions.

At the intersection between community development and community building are a number of programs and organizations with community development tools. One example of this is the program of the Asset Based Community Development Institute of Northwestern University. The institute makes available downloadable tools to assess community assets and make connections between non-profit groups and other organizations that can help in community building. The Institute focuses on helping communities develop by "mobilizing neighborhood assets" — building from the inside out rather than the outside in.

Community building and organizing

In The Different Drum: Community-Making and Peace, Scott Peck argues that the almost accidental sense of community that exists at times of crisis can be consciously built. Peck believes that conscious community building is a process of deliberate design based on the knowledge and application of certain rules. He states that this process goes through four stages:

  1. Chaos: When people move beyond the inauthenticity of pseudo-community and feel safe enough to present their "shadow" selves. This stage places great demands upon the facilitator for greater leadership and organization, but Peck believes that "organizations are not communities", and this pressure should be resisted.

  2. Emptiness: This stage moves beyond the attempts to fix, heal and convert of the chaos stage, when all people become capable of acknowledging their own woundedness and brokenness, common to us all as human beings. Out of this emptiness comes:

  3. True community: the process of deep respect and true listening for the needs of the other people in this community. This stage Peck believes can only be described as "glory" and reflects a deep yearning in every human soul for compassionate understanding from one's fellows.

More recently Peck remarked that building a sense of community is easy but maintaining this sense of community is difficult in the modern world.

Community building can use a wide variety of practices, ranging from simple events such as potlucks and small book clubs to larger–scale efforts such as mass festivals and construction projects that involve local participants rather than outside contractors.

Community building that is geared toward citizen action is usually termed "community organizing." In these cases, organized community groups seek accountability from elected officials and increased direct representation within decision-making bodies. Where good-faith negotiations fail, these constituency-led organizations seek to pressure the decision-makers through a variety of means, including picketing, boycotting, sit-ins, petitioning, and electoral politics. The ARISE Detroit! coalition and the Toronto Public Space Committee are examples of activist networks committed to shielding local communities from government and corporate domination and inordinate influence.

Community organizing is sometimes focused on more than just resolving specific issues. Organizing often means building a widely accessible power structure, often with the end goal of distributing power equally throughout the community. Community organizers generally seek to build groups that are open and democratic in governance. Such groups facilitate and encourage consensus decision-making with a focus on the general health of the community rather than a specific interest group.

The three basic types of community organizing are grassroots organizing, coalition building, and "institution-based community organizing," (also called "broad-based community organizing," an example of which is faith-based community organizing, or "congregation-based community organizing").

If communities are developed based on something they share in common, whether that be location or values, then one challenge for developing communities is how to incorporate individuality and differences. Indeed, as Rebekah Nathan suggests in her book, My Freshman Year, we are actually drawn to developing communities totally based on sameness, despite stated commitments to diversity, such as those found on university websites. Nathan states that certain commonalities allow college students to cohere: “What holds students together, really, is age, pop culture, a handful of (recent) historical events, and getting a degree” (qtd. In Barrios 229). Universities may try to create community through all freshman reads, freshman seminars, and school pride; however, Nathan argues students will only form communities based on the attributes, such as age and pop culture, that they bring with them to college. Nathan’s point, then, is that people come to college and don't expand their social horizons and cultural tolerance, which can prevent the development of your social community.

"CAP and Trade"

a 3P proposal in progress:

Community Access* Project


Barter Market

What we want the community to have access to is the means to express itself back to itself.
a ground floor idea would be a Public Access videography setup.
another would be a community internet server with free web-hosting. or a sliding scale for that matter. no sense in demonizing economics while the capitalist system is still in full force, eh?

On that note, the barter setup would be a system that hosts not only open trade and consignment markets, but apprenticeship* and service exchange programs as well.

- link the two together with weekly potlucks/presentations.

encourage outreach!
seek out the voices of the community and convince them to share their stories.
give the people a forum - somebody's bound to come. who else can they bring to the table?

connect with all co-operative pre-existing programs, services and groups.
(must maintain careful balance; our forum has an agenda, and that agenda is all-inclusive. their agendas must not conflict with this or they will not be granted access to our forum.)

City of Seattle free web hosting for community groups

Question? can a low level analog TV signal be broadcast throughout a neighborhood without incurring the wrath of the FCC? or do they not give a toss since the digital TV switchover?

*tho many other A's would also apply: arts, appreciation, adventure, actualization, aid, adjustment, amnesty, assurance...

Why the Fed & The National Debt Are Illegal

The National Debt is Illegal

The Federal Reserve bank, the privately owned Federal Reserve bank, was given authority to print Federal Reserve notes instead of the Treasury Department writing the Treasury Notes as directed by the U.S. Constitution.

These Federal Reserve notes were not printed to be given out to the economy, in the way as the Treasury Notes of the Treasury Department. Rather, they were loaned to the U.S. government and then circulated into society, and society was required to pay back interest on the IRS notes.

The Treasury Department has the potential for totally denouncing the Federal Reserve debt of 5 trillion dollars because it was illegal in the first place.

The Treasury Department in the U.S. Constitution is the only proper way of financing the nation

Congress, operating the Treasury Department has the right to mint and coin money, and set the value thereof.
The Federal Reserve was never given any such a right, even with the vote of the Congress, because Congress did not have the right to relegate its obligations to the Federal Reserve; therefore the entire debt of five trillion dollars, because it was illegal in the fist place, is not forcible in a technical sense.

The District of Colombia a Loop-Hole

Another factor is that because the U.S. government is situated in the District of Columbia, which is not part of the United States, it is essentially, according to Black's Law Dictionary, a different nation entirely. It is a Federal Nation, which rules over the District of Colombia. It has no real jurisdiction over the rest of the United States in a technical sense, and to pass laws taxing another country such as the United States is technically and legally in error.

You are being taxed by a foreign country. This is not right, if you look at it from a legal and technical sense. Therefore, in the creation of the United States with the Capitol situated in the District of Colombia, which was not a state, an error by the Founding Fathers occurred, but this error has had benefits for the banking cabals in that it has allowed them to break rules of the Constitution without fear of being charged for treason, because these entities are not operating from within the United States, they are operating from a different country.

Thus, they can pass off their obligations to a Federal Reserve board, a Federal reserve bank; they can make rules of taxation against the masses, which would be constitutionally prohibited. It is indeed a situation in which the banking cabals took total advantage of the loopholes, or the mistake by the Founding Fathers of creating the seat of the government in a non-state.

Once the Federal Reserve Bank was created, people of the government needing money would only borrow from the Federal reserve Bank. The Federal Reserve bank only had to go to the Treasury Department and get money printed at printing costs, and then loaned the money out at full face value, thus making enormous profits and putting this nation into enormous debt.

National Debt Not a Legal Debt

The debt that is known as the National Debt of so many trillion dollars is simply the result of borrowing from the Federal Reserve Bank the money that the Treasury Department prints for them, which is used to print for the country. In other words, instead of being printed for the United States, it is printed for the foreign bankers and the United states borrows from them and owes them the National Debt.

The National Debt is so high now that your grandchildren will never be able to pay it off

This country went bankrupt in 1933, removing the gold standard from the dollar, and this country will be again further bankrupted, even though it has been operating on Federal Reserve notes.

These Federal Reserve notes have been used in such a wasteful manner that all the borrowed money from the Federal Reserve, that is creating the national Debt, has not worked to restore a solid economy for this country.

According to Law, National Debt is Null & Void

In accordance with the law in the Western world, which has come down from Rome through England and into the United States:

Any contract, any obligation, financial or otherwise, which is based on fraud and misinterpretation or illegal activity, is null and void from the beginning.

Because the Federal Reserve Act was illegal according to the Constitution, and because the loaning of money by an illegal foreign bank to the United States government and its people and projects is based on a banking scam that was originally illegal, then the debts that were brought about from such loans, are themselves illegal.

Essentially, this country is bankrupt several times over, and the only way that it can be made whole in a legal sense is when people recognize that the law suggests that anything, any debt, any contract, any activity of partnership between entities which is based on fraud from the beginning, is null and void.

With this understanding, the National Debt could be and should be declared null and void

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Communecology 3

Sense of Community

In a seminal 1986 study, McMillan and Chavis identify four elements of "sense of community": membership, influence, integration and fulfillment of needs, and shared emotional connection.

Membership includes five attributes:
  • boundaries
  • emotional safety
  • a sense of belonging and identification
  • personal investment
  • a common symbol system

Influence works both ways: members need to feel that they have some influence in the group, and some influence by the group on its members is needed for group cohesion.

Integration and fulfillment of needs
Members feel rewarded in some way for their participation in the community.

Shared emotional connection

The "definitive element for true community," it includes shared history and shared participation (or at least identification with the history).

They give the following example of the interplay between these factors:
Someone puts an announcement on the dormitory bulletin board about the formation of an intramural dormitory basketball team. People attend the organizational meeting as strangers out of their individual needs (integration and fulfillment of needs). The team is bound by place of residence (membership boundaries are set) and spends time together in practice (the contact hypothesis). They play a game and win (successful shared talent event). While playing, members exert energy on behalf of the team (personal investment in the group). As the team continues to win, team members become recognized and congratulated (gaining honor and status for being members), Influencing new members to join and continue to do the same. Someone suggests that they all buy matching shirts and shoes (common symbols) and they do so (influence).

SpiritTrustTrade, and Art

This article revisits the theory of sense of community originally developed in 1976 and subsequently presented by McMillan and Chavis (1986).

It extends the principles offered by McMillan and Chavis.

The same four elements remain but are rearranged and renamed as follows:

Spirit, Trust, Trade, and Art. Presently, I view Sense of Community as a spirit of belonging together, a feeling that there is an authority structure that can be trusted, an awareness that trade, and mutual benefit come from being together, and a spirit that comes from shared experiences that are preserved as art."

Sense of Community - David W. McMillan