Tuesday, January 1, 2013

"CAP and Trade"

a 3P proposal in progress:

Community Access* Project


Barter Market

What we want the community to have access to is the means to express itself back to itself.
a ground floor idea would be a Public Access videography setup.
another would be a community internet server with free web-hosting. or a sliding scale for that matter. no sense in demonizing economics while the capitalist system is still in full force, eh?

On that note, the barter setup would be a system that hosts not only open trade and consignment markets, but apprenticeship* and service exchange programs as well.

- link the two together with weekly potlucks/presentations.

encourage outreach!
seek out the voices of the community and convince them to share their stories.
give the people a forum - somebody's bound to come. who else can they bring to the table?

connect with all co-operative pre-existing programs, services and groups.
(must maintain careful balance; our forum has an agenda, and that agenda is all-inclusive. their agendas must not conflict with this or they will not be granted access to our forum.)

City of Seattle free web hosting for community groups

Question? can a low level analog TV signal be broadcast throughout a neighborhood without incurring the wrath of the FCC? or do they not give a toss since the digital TV switchover?

*tho many other A's would also apply: arts, appreciation, adventure, actualization, aid, adjustment, amnesty, assurance...

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