Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Why the Fed & The National Debt Are Illegal

The National Debt is Illegal

The Federal Reserve bank, the privately owned Federal Reserve bank, was given authority to print Federal Reserve notes instead of the Treasury Department writing the Treasury Notes as directed by the U.S. Constitution.

These Federal Reserve notes were not printed to be given out to the economy, in the way as the Treasury Notes of the Treasury Department. Rather, they were loaned to the U.S. government and then circulated into society, and society was required to pay back interest on the IRS notes.

The Treasury Department has the potential for totally denouncing the Federal Reserve debt of 5 trillion dollars because it was illegal in the first place.

The Treasury Department in the U.S. Constitution is the only proper way of financing the nation

Congress, operating the Treasury Department has the right to mint and coin money, and set the value thereof.
The Federal Reserve was never given any such a right, even with the vote of the Congress, because Congress did not have the right to relegate its obligations to the Federal Reserve; therefore the entire debt of five trillion dollars, because it was illegal in the fist place, is not forcible in a technical sense.

The District of Colombia a Loop-Hole

Another factor is that because the U.S. government is situated in the District of Columbia, which is not part of the United States, it is essentially, according to Black's Law Dictionary, a different nation entirely. It is a Federal Nation, which rules over the District of Colombia. It has no real jurisdiction over the rest of the United States in a technical sense, and to pass laws taxing another country such as the United States is technically and legally in error.

You are being taxed by a foreign country. This is not right, if you look at it from a legal and technical sense. Therefore, in the creation of the United States with the Capitol situated in the District of Colombia, which was not a state, an error by the Founding Fathers occurred, but this error has had benefits for the banking cabals in that it has allowed them to break rules of the Constitution without fear of being charged for treason, because these entities are not operating from within the United States, they are operating from a different country.

Thus, they can pass off their obligations to a Federal Reserve board, a Federal reserve bank; they can make rules of taxation against the masses, which would be constitutionally prohibited. It is indeed a situation in which the banking cabals took total advantage of the loopholes, or the mistake by the Founding Fathers of creating the seat of the government in a non-state.

Once the Federal Reserve Bank was created, people of the government needing money would only borrow from the Federal reserve Bank. The Federal Reserve bank only had to go to the Treasury Department and get money printed at printing costs, and then loaned the money out at full face value, thus making enormous profits and putting this nation into enormous debt.

National Debt Not a Legal Debt

The debt that is known as the National Debt of so many trillion dollars is simply the result of borrowing from the Federal Reserve Bank the money that the Treasury Department prints for them, which is used to print for the country. In other words, instead of being printed for the United States, it is printed for the foreign bankers and the United states borrows from them and owes them the National Debt.

The National Debt is so high now that your grandchildren will never be able to pay it off

This country went bankrupt in 1933, removing the gold standard from the dollar, and this country will be again further bankrupted, even though it has been operating on Federal Reserve notes.

These Federal Reserve notes have been used in such a wasteful manner that all the borrowed money from the Federal Reserve, that is creating the national Debt, has not worked to restore a solid economy for this country.

According to Law, National Debt is Null & Void

In accordance with the law in the Western world, which has come down from Rome through England and into the United States:

Any contract, any obligation, financial or otherwise, which is based on fraud and misinterpretation or illegal activity, is null and void from the beginning.

Because the Federal Reserve Act was illegal according to the Constitution, and because the loaning of money by an illegal foreign bank to the United States government and its people and projects is based on a banking scam that was originally illegal, then the debts that were brought about from such loans, are themselves illegal.

Essentially, this country is bankrupt several times over, and the only way that it can be made whole in a legal sense is when people recognize that the law suggests that anything, any debt, any contract, any activity of partnership between entities which is based on fraud from the beginning, is null and void.

With this understanding, the National Debt could be and should be declared null and void

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